Monday, May 11, 2009


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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Knitting and Alzheimers/Dementia

While I was blow-drying my hair this morning, a thought came to me. I realize that many of you may consider this thought strange. Okay, with all honesty out on the table, much of what I consider on a daily basis, most individuals would consider strange. However, that is another matter entirely. As I have been knitting, I frequently refer to either the instructions or the chart for the pattern, whatever the case may be. Knitting instructions, in an of themselves are sometimes harder to interpret than Egyptian hieroglyphics. I can assure you, that I am not the only one who holds these truths to be self-evident. Every knitter I converse with says the same thing. Not all instructions are worded in a way that is easily decipherable. In the process of figuring out what majestic work of knitterly art the designer is helping me aspire to, I have a lot of thinking to do. (I am assuming said designer has, in his or her heart of hearts, good intentions for me and my project, and does not purposely mean to frustrate me and my knitting to the point of rashly and angrily deciding to flush said project down the toilet, gobble it up in a garbage disposal or stomp up and down on the darn thing like a two-year-old in a full blown tantrum.) With all of that thinking and interpreting, I am in a full-blown state of reasoning, analytical thinking and decision-making, too.

So, let's take this one step further. There are many articles and probably a plethera of studies about what we can do to keep our minds sharp as we age. Would it be too far-fetched to conclude that knitting can actually help in warding off or slowing down the process of Alzheimer's or demetia? I believe so! (All other knitters out there, please say "I concur!") I know there are other factors involved in these diseases or conditions, but I figure I can now use this one as a sword against all those who look at me while I'm knitting in public (and for those, too, who do the same while I'm knitting in private - you know who you are), and think that I am two rings shy of a three-ring circus. I mean, if the government can give grant money for a study about happiness and smiling being contagious, then why not do a study regarding knitting and Alzheimer's/Demetia? Well, I'll leave it to you to consider for a while...

Cupcakes and Knitting

I recently spent a week in Scottsdale, Arizona, over Spring Break. It was so lovely to get away from the cold here, and the warm sunshine was exactly what I needed. There is a shop there called Sprinkles, Beverly Hills. If you read any of the tabloids, apparently that's where all of the celebrities love to buy cupcakes from. I am an ardent fan of the cupcake. The only problem, is that the ratio of cupcake to frosting must be correct. It is hard to get this right. Plus, even though I love my sugar, the frosting can't be too sweet. The ones from Sprinkles were certainly delicious, very creative, and moist and not too fluffy (I hate fluffy - I want some density to my cupcake, you know, something to sink my teeth into), but the frosting was too sweet and they did put a bit much on the cupcake itself.

So this got me to remembering about a knitted cupcake I saw in a magazine. See the photo above. Darling, no? Better yet, no calories. But, alas, you can't eat it, and that is the most enjoyable part of all. So, really, which is better? I'll leave that for you to contemplate throughout the day. As for me, I'm off to sock class. I am learning to knit a sock with two circular needles, instead of the DPKs. I bought this lovely, deep read Heritage Sock Yarn from Cascade Yarns (75% merino wool and 25% nylon). This means my mom (who they are being knit for) can wash them, and they won't be too scratchy on her skin. The feel of the yarn, is quite soft, which, as you know, if of utmost importance to me. So, I will post a picture of my progress and let you know how it is going along.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rain, Rain, Stay, Stay

Quietly I have slinked out of my warm bed this morning and silently tip-toed here to contemplate various things on my mind. The main thing on my mind this morning is the rain. I love when it rains, because you can't really do anything outside. It sort of yells, "Knit! Knit! Knit!" However, how does one do that when all the other members of the family are in the house? While I have never minded knitting while they are around, for some reason, I feel if I do so today to the degree that I wish, they will believe I am a few cards short of a full deck. And so what if I am? Well, it really doesn't matter to me what the world at large thinks about me, but those that are closest to me, well, that does matter. Although I don't rely on others for validation, it does matter to me what my FAMILY thinks. So, for now, I am quickly reaching out to you, my knitting friends, and will shortly make some pancakes for my family and then hopefully get in some much needed knit time.

P.S. Here is a picture of the organic cotton vest I made for my husband. He has worn it twice whilst we went out and seems to enjoy it very much. I love the rolled bottom and the "beachy" feel it has to it.

More Saturday Contemplations

Back from pancakes and feeling cozy in my bed. Do I work on Mr. Sock, or perhaps the lovely Rowan sweater called Lotus. I have two baby afghans also, although, if truth be told, I really only like one of them. The one called Crowns and Cables is so pretty in it's simple cream color, but the other one, I will have to change yarns. As the Yarn Harlot wrote: "When you start with crap, that's what you end up with." (That's more or less what she said, although I am paraphrasing it.) I hope that it might be better with another yarn that's not all acrylic. Please don't be offended. Am I a yarn snob? Most likely, but I once had someone tell me that she tried to learn to knit once, but the feel of the yarn in her fingers made her "skin crawl." Really? Are you serious?
that yarn must have been some really scratchy stuff. For me, there is nothing more soothing than a beautiful merino, baby alpaca or cashmere. Am I right? Yes? I though so. Well, back to the matter at hand. The Rowan sweater. That's it. Absolutely. I'll think on the ugly baby afghan so more - maybe change to another yarn...then I'll let you know.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Experiences From A Sock

Hello there! I am a basic sock. At least that's what I hope to become someday when I grow a little more. My knitter, who has promised to learn how to knit me, found my yarn under her bed (you know, that treasure trove known as her yarn stash). I am currently on a size 2 circular needle. It is a 6" bamboo circular. Who knew they made such things!?!?!?!?

Anyway, my relationship with my knitter is going quite swimmingly at the moment. She is happily knitting away, although I did hear her murmur the word "toothpicks" at one time, but I believe she has quickly gotten used to knitting with these needles and has settled down quite comfortably. Did you know she even watched how to "turn the heel" from a video on line? Boy, I hope she finished me and doesn't have to frog me too often. Do you know what the term "frog" or "frogging" means? I didn't. So, I went on line. I used each end of my circular needle to type (clever, aren't I). Each language has a word for the sound frogs make, but in English is "ribbit, ribbit", or in knitting is "rip it, rip it". So when you tear (or rip) your knitting back in frustration, it's called "frogging." I laughed so hard when I read that, I actually got a stitch in my side (pun completely intended).

Okay. Back to the matter at hand. I only have one concern with regard to my knitter. I truly hope that our relationship ends well. I am like the lone man Adam in the Garden of Eden. If this doesn't go well, I may never get my Eve.....