Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Where does the time go? There just never seems to be enough time in one day to do everything I need, and let's not forget all of the things I want to do. Being obsessive as I am, it is impossible to sit down to focus on a knitting project, when the laundry needs to be done, the dishes need cleaning, groceries need to be put away, my bed is not made, or any one of the other myriad of items on a busy mother's "to do" list.

I am convinced that I have an undiagnosed case of KITCATS (that's Knitter's Inability To Complete Any Task Syndrome). How many times have I started to make my bed, picked up a pair of shoes to put away in the closet, and -- TA DA!! -- there is the dirty clothes hamper. I pick up the laundry and start a load, only to discover that the (new) bulldog has left me a wet surprise in the laundry room. In order to fully clean this, I plug in the steam machine (which takes about 10 minutes to heat up), and head into the kitchen to throw away the paper towels used to clean up the wet stuff. The trash can in full, so I tie up the trash bag and head out to the garbage cans -- oh! there's the mailman. I trudge down the driveway to get the mail (which is about three-fourths of the way full of my 78 year-old father-in-law's offers to win an astronomical amount of money if he would only send $29.95 today to cover "handling costs"). Back inside, the steamer is ready, so I clean the laundry room floor, put a new trash bag into the kitchen trash can -- and the dishwasher needs to be unloaded and reloaded. There are crumbs on the kitchen floor (what else is new?), and the washing machine has just beeped. I unload the laundry into the dryer, and put a new (dirty) load into the washer.

Chewy, the bulldog, needs to be fed then taken outside for ... (you know). More on Chewy later. Oh! It's lunchtime. First, put something together to eat, rinse the dishes, start the dishwasher. I need a nap! Snooze for about 30 minutes, and it's time to pick the kids up at the bus stop. Snacks, referee, homework, referee, dinner, referee. Knitting? Knitting? Oh heck, I forgot the laundry in the dryer. My bed has never been made and my husband is wondering what I did all day. Yes, it's true. I have KITCATS. Sadly, there is no cure, because as I get older, the days go by faster and faster. I can only take a deep breath, and hope against all hope that I will be able to carve out some time to get to the computer to talk to the universe at large and put a couple more stitches into my latest project. Okay, truth be told, it's the latest project that has my attention, because I know that YOU all know I have a LOT of knitting projects going on at once and quite a short attention span.

How did my obsession for knitting become an obsession for keeping my house clean? Hmmmmm.......


Anonymous said...

you are really funny.

i ALSO have a really gorgeous watermelon cotton sweater, with huge cables, that ... well, i stayed 'in the middle of it'... to get back to it 'later'.

about fifteen years later, my mom gave away the yard. i am still sad about it... even though i haven't lived with my parents for over 22 years... ha ha...

so, i can relate. last time i went home, i put a set of the knitting needles in my suitcase, to get into it again.

i haven't yet dared.... one day, i'll take the plunge...

Anonymous said...

Where have you been? What happened? It's been weeks and no word from you! We need more!